Beef Products and Services

We deliver our nutrition technologies and our new health and technology products seamlessly side by side.

Prime Force™

Specialty Solutions

Prime Force™ is an all-natural product that enhances nutrient digestion and absorption with no withdrawal period. Prime Force™ has been proven by university research.

Furst Force™ Calf Paste

Specialty Solutions

Furst Force™ Calf Paste is a unique single-dose paste for newborn calves utilizing a complex blend of nutritional technologies designed to support the animal, while providing the gastrointestinal support calves need.

Furst Force™ Receiver

Specialty Solutions

Furst Force™ Receiver is a unique oral drench that utilizes a complex blend of nutritional technologies to support optimum health and performance in older calves and feedlot animals upon receipt at the feed yard. This 6-in-1 nutritional supplement has had responses that include cattle up on feed quicker and more aggressive to the bunks, better response to treatments, less pulls, less scours, decreased death loss and increased water intake.

Furst Force™ Calf

Specialty Solutions

Furst Force™ Calf is an oral drench designed specifically to support newborn calves during stressful situations. Utilizing a complex blend of nutritional technologies designed to support the animal, while providing the gastro-intestinal support calves need, especially those at-risk, Furst Force™ Calf has been shown to deliver multiple benefits, including: reduced death loss, decreased scours, stimulates suckling, reduced digestive upsets, improved calf viability and boosted IgA titers.

Equalize™ Beef

Specialty Solutions

Equalize™ Beef is a broad-spectrum product that supports the health and performance when animals are fed inconsistent and/or poor feed quality. The product contains a unique combination of yeast cell walls, enzymes and yeast metabolites together with polar hydrated aluminosilicate clays. Equalize™ Beef contains a patented technology for maintaining the performance of livestock. By improving rumen function, animal performance can be preserved at acceptable levels. Add Equalize™ Beef to rations and minerals to assist in feed quality and palatability. Click here to learn about mycotoxin risk management.

Fly Control Products

Specialty Solutions

McNess offers multiple options for fly control. Access information on the products, as well as a fly identification sheet, product comparison and a fly control economic worksheet that can help you in making your decisions about which product would work best for your operation.

Force Products


Furst-McNess Force™ Premier Products are designed to provide vitamins and minerals essential to the health and productivity of pasture cattle. This mineral is specially formulated to result in a palatable product that cattle will consistently consume on pasture. Each product in the line is formulated to be fed free choice to beef and non-lactating dairy cattle. Included as part of the high levels of trace minerals in these products is Availa®4 from Zinpro Performance Minerals, which features the complexes of zinc, manganese, copper and cobalt.

  • Force™ Premier is the base product for this line. It is designed to be used on grass and mixed legume grass-based forages and can be used as a year-round mineral. All the other Force™ Premier cow/calf products build upon this base with ingredients added to meet specific needs.
  • Force™ Premier -MG is designed to be used for pasture cattle that are at risk for grass tetany, by providing high levels of available magnesium.
  • Force™ Premier-YC includes our innovative technology Equalize™ Beef to help manage feed quality, support reproduction, reduce feed cost and improve cost of
  • Fescue Force™ Premier-YC contains the same ingredients as Force™ Premier-YC with additional essential oils, which have been shown to increase water intake, reduce heat increment and enhance vasodilation
  • Fescue Fly Force™ Premier-YC contains the same ingredients as fescue Force™ Premier-YC with an additional essential oil, which is known to reduce external parasites.

Force™ Premier Mate Products


Force™ Premier Mate Products combine the blended proteins from Ruffage-Mate™ with the unique trace minerals, vitamins and other technologies from the Force™ Premier line.

  • Force™ Premier Mate 52 is the base product in this line. It is designed to be used on grass, mixed legume grass-based forages and when grazing corn stalks. This product can be used year-round. It contains Zinpro Availa® 4 as part of the high levels of trace minerals.
  • Force Premier Mate 52-YC includes our innovative technology Equalize™ Beef to help manage feed quality, support reproduction, reduce feed cost and improve cost of production.
  • Fescue Force Premier Mate 52-YC contains the same ingredients as Force™ Premier Mate 52-YC with additional essential oils, which have been shown to increase water intake, reduce heat increment and enhance vasodilation



Bova-Min products feature high levels of available trace minerals to overcome deficiencies and imbalances in pasture and range forages. Vitamin supplementation ensures adequacy during periods when cattle are on hay or stock-piled pastures. These minerals are designed to provide vitamins and minerals essential to the health and productivity of beef cattle. The minerals in this product line have variable phosphorus levels for optimal supplementation with varying forage and soil types. We also offer one that contains thiamine to help prevent nervous disorders (polioencephalomalacia – PEM) associated with corn co-product diets high in sulfur.

  • Bova-Min 6 is for use with grass-based forages and can be used as a year-round mineral in many areas
  • Bova-Min 9 is for use on mixed legume grass-based forages; contains an intermediate level of Phosphorus
  • Bova-Min 12 is for use in areas that have low phosphorus levels in the soil; contains the highest level of Phosphorus in the product line
  • Bova-Min 2-T is for use with cattle on pasture being fed corn co-products; contains Thiamine
  • Bova-Min 6-Fly is for use with grass-based forages and can be used as a year-round mineral in many areas; contains essential oils

Bova Beef


McNess Bova Beef products are designed to provide the supplemental minerals and vitamins essential to the health and productivity of beef cattle. Formulated with palatability enhancers for free choice feeding, cattle consume Bova Beef products consistently. Vitamin supplementation ensures adequacy during periods when cattle are on hay or stock-piled pastures. Variable phosphorous levels between the products allow for optimal supplementation with varying forage and soil types.

  • Bova Beef 6 is a complete mineral product designed for grass-based forages in areas needing a 6% phosphorous product.
  • Bova Beef Mag is a complete mineral with 4% phosphorus and 14% magnesium designed to provide high levels of magnesium to cattle at risk of developing grass tetany.
  • Bova Beef 6 Altosid contains Altosid IGR to prevent the emergence of adult horn flies from the manure of treated cattle.

Bova Mag Minerals


Bova Mag Minerals are free choice minerals designed to provide high levels of available magnesium to cattle that are at risk for grass tetany. Grass tetany is caused by low blood magnesium levels. This may be due to a simple deficiency of magnesium in the diet or to factors which reduce the efficiency of magnesium utilization by the animal such as high nitrogen and potassium levels in the forage.

  • Bova-Mag 5 contains high levels of available magnesium and trace minerals and vitamins
  • Bova Mag Breeder 5 contains high levels of available magnesium and trace minerals and vitamins as well as Zinpro Availa®4, which provides organic trace minerals

Bova-Breeder Premier


Bova-Breeder Premier products contain a similar nutrient profile to the Bova-Min and Breeder product lines. The difference is that at the recommended feeding rate they will receive the full rate of Zinpro’s Availa® 4 and double the Vitamin E level. Also available with Bio-Mos® to support gut health and integrity.

  • Bova-Breeder Premier 6 – Availa® 4 is a product designed for use with grass based forages.
  • Bova-Breeder Premier 9 –Availa® 4 is designed to be used on mixed legume grass based forages.
  • Bova-Breeder Premier 6-MOS – Availa® 4
  • Bova-Breeder Premier 9-MOS – Availa® 4



Ruffage-Mate™ products are designed to be fed in cattle in pasture. Blended to be highly palatable, the Furst-McNess nutritionists have developed Ruffage-Mate™ to be fed directly from the bag. The blended proteins in Ruffage-Mate™ provide an optimum rumen nitrogen profile for cattle consuming low-quality forages. With Ruffage-Mate™, your cattle get cost-effective supplementation of protein, vitamins and minerals all in one easy-to-use package.

Bova Cubes™


Bova Cubes™ contain 100% dry distillers grains with solubles and are available in cubes. A patented process creates a hard distillers cube that won’t crumble. McNess Bova Cubes™ can be fed on the ground without high wastage or wind losses. A convenient, quality feed for cows, stockers or calves. Cubes are sourced out of Ord, NE.

Bova Calf Cubes™


Bova Calf Cubes™ contain 100% dry distillers grains with solubles and are available in 7/16″ mini cubes. These convenient mini’s can be fed to calves, sheep, goats and deer. This patented process creates a hard distillers mini cube that won’t crumble. McNess Bova Calf Cubes™ can be fed in a bunk or on the ground without wastage or wind loss.
Calf Cubes are sourced out of Ord, NE.

Beef Protein Products

Utilizing McNess protein product options to help deal with current drought conditions. A Drought Management Strategies paper is available for download.

Force™ Premier


Force™ Premier – Feedlot products are designed to provide vitamins, minerals and protein essential to the health and productivity of beef cattle. Each of these palatable products feature the complexes of zinc, manganese, copper and cobalt from Zinpro Availa®4 as part of the high levels of trace minerals to help combat stress. Organic trace minerals are highly
available, and they improve gains, hoof integrity and immune response while decreasing morbidity medicine costs

  • Sudden Force™ Premier is formulated to provide high-quality biologically available minerals and vitamins that are necessary for a fast start when fed to weaned calves, stressed cattle or newly received cattle.
  • Sudden Force™ Premier 15% Pellets-D are a unique pellet alternative for cattlemen who are looking for convenience.
  • Ultimate Force™ Premier Fortifier-R is designed to complement the nutrients that are available in corn co-products, which result from the manufacturing in of corn starch, corn syrup and ethanol. This product contains Thiamine to help prevent nervous disorders (polioencephalomalacia – PEM) and Monensin. Ultimate Force Premier Fortifier-R must be thoroughly mixed with grain and/or roughage before feeding.
  • Ultimate Force™ Premier Add Pak is a unique product designed to be fed in addition to another vitamin and mineral package.
  • All Natural Force™ Premier Fortifier is designed to complement nutrients that are available in corn co-products, which result from the manufacturing in of corn starch, corn syrup and ethanol. This product contains Thiamine to help prevent nervous disorders (polioencephalomalacia – PEM).

Co-Product Fortifier 0.5 (bag and bulk)


Co-Product Fortifier 0.5 (bag and bulk) products are designed to be a complement to corn co-products that result from the manufacture of corn starch, corn syrup, and ethanol and are formulated to take advantage of nutrients already present in these corn co-products. Contains thiamine to help prevent nervous disorders (polioencephalomalacia – PEM) commonly associated with corn co-product diets.

Beef Balancer 80 (bag and bulk)


Beef Balancer 80 (bag and bulk) products are highly-fortified mineral, vitamin and protein premixes formulated specifically for feedlot cattle on high-grain rations.

Beef Developers (bag and bulk)


Beef Developers (bag and bulk) products are formulated to provide the extra minerals and vitamins that lightweight calves need to fortify their immune system and rapidly develop a structurally strong frame.

Beef Starter Premier-D (bag)


Beef Starter Premier-D is designed to minimize the stress that calves experience at weaning or receiving. When a ration provides a fortified mineral and vitamin package, calves experiencing weaning or shipping stress have higher feed intake, regain weight faster and respond to treatments for sickness more readily. The product contains organic trace minerals from Zinpro’s Availa® 4 product to help combat stress and a high Vitamin E level to help strengthen immune function and contains Deccox®.

First Boost (bag)


First Boost (bag) is a unique mineral package that is formulated to provide high quality, biologically available minerals and vitamins that are necessary for a fast start when fed to weaned, stressed or newly received cattle.

Heat Force Add Pak-ZN


Heat Force Add Pak-ZN is an unique product designed to be fed in addition to another vitamin and mineral package during periods of heat stress.

Weaning Calves Early?

Get them off to a good start! Purchase your first case of 14 dose Furst Force™ Calf Paste [FMC495] and get a free applicator ($40 value). Product Details